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Bilateral relations between Spain and the United States

However, the relations between the North American giant and our country are also relevant for both actors.

This relationship dates back to own origin of the United StatesWhen Spain actively participated in the process that would lead to independence and its annexation of Florida. -former Spanish territory-.

Distancing (Disaster of '98)

However, they would distance themselves due to disagreements due to the disaster of '98 -which would give rise to the anti-Americanism that still follows part of our country's doctrine-, and then, due to the isolation in which the Franco dictatorship kept us during the Second World War.

Rapprochement throughout the Cold War

It was throughout the Cold War, with the consequent containment policy of Truman, when the States began to approach, and an example of this is that American military bases were established in Spain and economic, technological and military assistance to the Franco regime began. by the Americans. And from here and the cautious position they had in the transition towards Spanish democracy, the anti-Americanism of the political left.

View: Spain and the United States: a contemporary analysis of a controversial relationship (Tovar, 2019)

Present (1978-2016)

This relationship has marked the great disagreements in Spanish foreign policy since 1978, especially with Spain's entry into the NATO (with Calvo Sotelo in 1982) and participation in the Iraq war (with Aznar in 2003).

However, although in 2004 with the socialist victory diplomatic errors were made that hurt the relationship, the Zapatero Administration would end up strengthening it.

In the year 2008, With the arrival of Obama to the White House, the Spanish government began a new approach, which would remain until Obama's second term, when they gave special importance to the Pacific and left our country aside, in a certain way.

Despite this, in 2016 the US Secretary of State described Spain as a “strategic” and “vital ally.”

And the strategies have remained on the same level, although inserting our country within the EU.

It is necessary, as a preliminary, to start from the asymmetry in the bilateral relations of these actors as a consequence of the different level of power and importance in the international community to respond to this heading, as well as to locate the time frame from 2004 to the present to know, although very above, the state of them. Let's get started!

Perhaps what is best known about Spanish-American relations is that Spain housed one of the most important military bases in the context of the Cold War and that even today continues to be of utmost importance for the Americans., but the truth is that these go much further: from economic and commercial issues, security and defense policy to intellectual property issues.

Although the latter lost persistence with the legislative reforms of President Mariano Rajoy to combat illegal downloads.

Security and Defense

Regarding security and defense, The modification of the defense agreement with the United States in 2011 marked continuity in the field of bilateral relations due to the establishment of the four anti-missile shields in Spainand the 2015 allowed the establishment of a rapid reaction force in the face of a crisis on the African continent at the Morón base.

As we see, the importance of US bases in Spain is notable.

And, therefore, on the military level the relationship is clear and benefits both.

View: Military bases (RTVE, 2020)

Economic Plan

On the economic level, In 2016, the US was the main investor in Spain and the main destination of Spanish investments, therefore, the main trading partner outside the European Union.

Obama even declared that “they couldn't ask for a better ally than Spain.”

However, US strategic documents do not usually focus on our country individually, but instead refer to the European Union as a single entity with which they want to improve relations.

National security

For its part, in the case of Spain, in their national security strategies, interest in the North American giant ranges between second and fourth place in order of importance.

Sometimes, ahead of Russia and Latin America, and other times, behind, but always with a continuing trend.

For Spain, this relationship is considered vital despite the speech that the different leaders have given on the matter..

The dependence on North American power in terms of security is undeniable in the context in which the development of a European defense is no longer an alternative.

In addition, the economic, commercial and cultural interests that exist in this relationship cannot detract from recognition.

The lack of recognition of the importance of this relationship by Spanish leaders who tend towards anti-Americanism can be a problem if it results in the relationship becoming too fragmented; However, the main disputes may fall on the mutual establishment of trade tariffs.

Influence of Donald Trump

With Trump tending towards isolationism and taxing Spanish products such as oil, wine or cheese, and hitting the agri-food sector hard, as well as with the constant reproach to Spain for its insufficient defense spending, it is not crazy to think that relationships end up weakening.

Added to this is the constant rapprochement of the current government of our country with Venezuela, which may represent a snub that the US does not allow.

There has been a shift from a strong alignment with the EU and the Americans, through which Juan Guaidó was recognized as Venezuelan president, to a manifest ambiguity, perhaps acquired by the coalition with Unidas Podemos.

Google rate

La Google rate It is another of the great current controversies between the two actors. While the US rejects unilateral taxes on digital services, the Council of Ministers approved the bill to do so.

If we consider the reaction to France with the establishment of a 100% tariff on French stellar products, the same thing could happen to Spain.

Along these lines is Huawei and 5G, harshly confronted by the Americans, who even threatened Spain and the EU at the Munich Security conference with not sharing security data if they do not exclude the Asian company from 5G networks. -.

This data would include those related to defense and NATO.

Spain in the Asian Bank

Likewise, the New Silk Road and Spain's participation in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank led by China, and the rapprochement of our country with the Asian giant may pose a serious problem in the long run.

We cannot forget that with the New Silk Road the People's Republic of China is trying to unseat the United States from the leadership of the world order, which could be a serious blow to the European Union and its member states if it continues to actively participate.

In the case of Spain it goes further, since bilateral relations with China are intensifying and the image of the Asian country is being whitewashed by the media and the executive while the US is harshly criticized.

COVID-19, therefore, can also be a blow to relations due to the lack of cooperation on the part of the US and the rise of anti-American tendencies. However, when faced with a black swan it is difficult to know yet.

At first it did not seem that bilateral dialogue would be facilitated and a certain animosity was aroused between the actors. Trump continually talked about the increase in defense spending, which in Spain is only around 0.9% of GDP, well below the objectives. set at the 2014 Cardiff summit.

However, the American president also invited the then president Mariano Rajoy to visit the Oval Office, where they spoke at length about economic, commercial, defense issues and the Catalan problem - whose actions the American president would support.

Regarding the European environment in which Spain was subsumed in American strategies, here Yes, there is a notable difference between the Obama Administration and that of Trump, while the first spoke of European allies in a multilateral perspective, the second prefers bilateral relations.

Although Europe is now in the background due to the rise of Asia and specifically from China, in the case of Spain, has increased the relevance of security due to the importance of the presence of the Morón and Rota military bases in terms of power projection.

Regarding economic and commercial interests, the same line has continued, and in intellectual property issues, its importance has been reduced.

During the governments of Pedro Sánchez in Spain and Joe Biden in the United States, bilateral relations have been close and collaborative.

Both countries have renewed and updated their strategic relationship through a new Joint Declaration, focused on strengthening cooperation in various key areas.

Defense and Security:

Spain and the United States have stressed the importance of NATO and have agreed to increase the US military presence at the Rota naval base.

This collaboration has been reinforced through regular meetings of the bilateral High-Level Defense Group, emphasizing transatlantic security and a unified response to global threats (The White House)​​ (Moncloa).

Economy and Commerce:

The United States is a significant investor in Spain, and both countries have worked to promote bilateral investment and trade.

They have discussed strategies to improve trade relations and resolve disputes, such as tariffs on Spanish black olives (Moncloa)​​ (Moncloa).

Human Rights and Democracy:

Both Sánchez and Biden have reaffirmed their commitment to the defense of democracy and human rights globally.

They have collaborated on initiatives to promote gender equality and minority rights (The White House)​​ (Moncloa).

Climate Change:

Both leaders have shown a strong commitment to climate action, agreeing on strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy.

They have worked together in multilateral forums to advance the goals of the Paris Agreement and address the climate emergency (Moncloa)​​ (Moncloa).

Cloud ERP Implementation:

They have taken a comprehensive approach to managing irregular migration flows, working to ensure fair and humane treatment of migrants, and addressing the underlying causes of migration in regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean (The White House)​​ (Moncloa).

These areas of cooperation reflect a strong bilateral relationship, based on shared values ​​and a common vision to confront global challenges, which has been significantly strengthened under the mandates of Sánchez and Biden.

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