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Why was PROSUR born?

Established in 2008, it was made up of twelve countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.

La UNASUR had as its main objective Strengthening unity and regional integration, as well as addressing issues of common interest, such as infrastructure, health, education and security.

The withdrawal and subsequent definitive departure of several of those that were member states of the UNASUR (Union of South American Nations) integration organization, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay and Peru, was due to the lack of « concrete results that will guarantee the proper functioning of the organization.

With this feeling, the countries decided to create a new effective and solid regional organization that responded to the interests of the region, with the name PROSUR.

The reason for the need to create another regional organization can be found in point number 3 of the Santiago Declaration, which addresses the "renewal and strengthening of South America" ​​with a declaration to create a space with a flexible, light, inexpensive structure, with clear operating rules and an agile decision-making mechanism that would allow South America to advance.

It is understood, therefore, that UNASUR does not guarantee the agreementOr, because it is expensive, lacks a flexible and clear structure, and does not have agile mechanisms for moving forward.

In this way, members of the previous one permanently withdraw with the aim of forming a new regional organization that would guarantee compliance with the Santiago Declaration .

However, they do not start from scratch, that is, they recognize the contributions of previous South American integration processes (UNASUR).

Always with the capacity for improvement necessary for real South American integration, which allows for strengthening achievements and evolving without duplication of efforts, towards a more integrated region.

Do Latin American governments have the capacity to solve the socioeconomic problems of their citizens?

All members of the organization must face this challenge together, working together to achieve the purpose.

However, it should also be known that in order to participate in this space, subjects must meet a series of requirements:

  • Full validity of democracy.
  • Respect for the separation of State Powers.
  • Promotion, protection, and guarantee of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • Sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, with respect to Public International Law -PIL-.

The future of PROSUR and UNASUR is uncertain.

Created with the aim of promoting South American cooperation and integration, Both organizations share objectives and seem to differ only on ideological issues.

Prosur has a total of 8 nations

Countries that are part

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Guyana
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Suriname

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